
The Gaginaway Festival

The Gaginaway Festival            Discover and visit the beauty of Malita’s festival, “Gaginaway Festival”. Malita was renowned for its diverse artistic heritage, extensive cultural diversity, and talented tribes. Every November full moon during the month of Gaginaway, a festival is held.             The Malitaos celebrate the Gaginaway Festival, a time of unity and abundance, in accordance with a custom and belief that the full moon is at its brightest during this time and that the "lumads" enjoy having a festival of fun while taking in the lovely sight of the moon shining brightly on them.               Malita, Davao Occidental is home to three tribes: the Tagacaolo inhabit the uplands, the Manobo live in the plains, and the B'laan live in the Little Baguio highlands. While some families live in the hinterlands of the lowlands and uplands, the Muslim community in Malita are dispersed along the shore. The event is jointly celebrated by all indigenous communities with the